a blog for those who code

Thursday 27 August 2015

Create Web Note in Microsoft Edge Browser in Windows 10

In this post we are going to show you how to create a Web Note using Microsoft Edge in Windows 10. Microsoft Edge has the ability to take Web Note easily without any tool or plugin. Using this feature you can take a Web Note, mark some important sentences or words, highlight something or comment on the captures note. Along with these feature you can also clip a portion of your Web Note into your clipboard.

To make a Web Note open Microsoft Edge and just open any website or webpage for example www.codingdefined.com. After opening you will see a tiny button as "Make as Web Note" on right upper corner.

On click of "Make as Web Note" a tool will be opened with the current web page which has functions like Pen, Highlighter, Eraser, Comment, Clip to Copy, Save and Share.

Pen Tool : When you click on the left hand corner tiny button (Pen Button), it will open up a drop down to allow you to select the Pen Color and the Size.

Using this Pen Tool you can mark the specific text or block with the selected color as shown below.

Highlight Tool : Second button from the left is the highlight button, when you click on that button it will open up a drop down to select the highlight color and size. Unlike Pen tool, highlight tool only has 6 colors to choose from.

Once you select the size and color you can highlight the text as shown below.

The next button is "Clear all ink". If you think you have done some mistake then you can clear all the inks by clicking on this button. Please note that it clears all the inks and not selected one.

The next button is the Comment button. You can add some text, using this option, in the Web Note but it will add as a comment. You can re-position, minimize or delete the added comment. You can add as many comment you want to add. To re-position the comment box click on the comment number and drag it. To minimize the comment box just click on the comment number. To delete the comment box just click on the Trash button on the bottom right corner.

The next button is to clip a selection and copy it in a clipboard. When you clcik on the icon it will ask you to drag to copy the region as shown below.

One additional option you have, is to share the Web Note created by you. You have 2 option Share by Mail or Share by OneNote.

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