a blog for those who code

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Simple Base64 Encode and Decode Tool

We have recently launched a Base64 encoding and Decoding Tool. This tool helps you to encode your plain text to base64 as well as decode your base64 to the plain text. Along with decoding, if your plain text is in JSON format, you will also have the option to format that JSON so that you will know the full structure of the data. 

What is Base64 

In simple terms, Base64 is a binary to a text encoding scheme which represents the binary data in ASCII string format. Base64 only contains 64 characters to encode any string. 

What is Base64 is used for

To understand it further, let's take the example that you want to send your binary data across the network. You just cant send the data in raw format right, because some media are made for streaming text. You never know whether you are sending the data can understand it better or not. So to get around this problem, we have to encode the binary data into the characters and thus Base64 is used. The characters used are URL safe and thus we can decode it on the receiver end to find out if the data is uncorrupted. 

What is Base64 Encoding

Base64 Encoding converts your binary data into the 64-character text format which ca be easily passed through the communication channel.

What is Base64 Decoding

It is the reverse of encoding, where the base64 text format is converted back to binary data.

Base64 Encoding & Decoding Tool 

So we have developed a base64 encode and decode tool where you can freely and safely encode your binary data to the text as well as decode it back. Along with that, we have a special function where if the decoded data is in JSON format then you can easily format that JSON and see the contents easily.

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