a blog for those who code

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Macros for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013

The Visual Studio Team has released a new extension for Visual Studio 2013 which will allow developers to record and playback macros from the editor itself.

As many popular developer environments offer a macros but Visual Studio was lacking this feature. The extension stores commands that control Visual Studio directly though the DTE Extension and a recorded macro can be played when you will need that.
The features according to the Extension Description are :
  1. Record and Playback active document operations and Visual Studio IDE commands.
  2. Playback multiple times.
  3. Manage and persist macros with a macro explorer.
  4. Assign keyboard bindings to any macro.
  5. Macros recorded as JavaScript files that call VS DTE APIs
  6. Macro editing in Visual Studio with DTE IntelliSense.
  7. Stop Playback.
  8. Sample macros.
 The extension is available here from the Visual Studio Gallery.

There is also text Macros available for Visual Studio 2012/2013 which is an open source.
According to its description 

An open source extension for Visual Studio 2012/2013 that brings back support for macros in text/code editors. These macros can be used to automate repetitive text editing tasks.

How does it work
After installing this extension, you will find a menu called Text Macros in the Tools menu. It will be only visible when there is an active text or code editor. It has 2 sub menus, one that toggles the recording of a macro and one that replays the last recorded one.
PC : https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/8e2103b6-87cf-4fef-9410-a580c434b602

 The extension is available here from the Visual Studio Gallery.

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